IoT Roaming | Solutions

IoT Roaming Management

Monetize and deliver reliable IoT cellular connectivity.
Mobileum IoT roaming management solutions

Mobileum IoT roaming management solutions

To ensure comprehensive IoT services to the subscribers as well as to reap the revenue from IoT solutions, CSPs understand that global network connectivity is a must-have requirement for all IoT devices. For this CSPs need to look for a digital partner who can not only ensure connectivity across the globe, but also provide multiple value-added solutions such as data analytics, seamless QoS (Quality of Service) based connectivity or steering, etc. Today because of its maturity backed with a strong record of innovation, Mobileum is well-positioned to provide all such Roaming Intelligence solutions and services for the CSPs IoT business.
Mobileum a preferred roaming partner for global IoT connectivity

Mobileum a preferred roaming partner for global IoT connectivity

The way IoT devices and its services are expanding, it’s quite evident that IoT is transforming the Telco business as well as its revenue generation. Lower cost, higher revenues along with best of class services are few benefits which most of the enterprises expect to achieve through proliferating IoT business. This all can be achieved through Mobileum’s IoT global connectivity services thus enabling devices to be easily, safely and cost-effectively connected and managed.
  • Enables global network coverage
  • Provides bootstrap services for IoT devices across the globe
  • Provides local breakout data traffic network
  • Ensures data network is in compliance with the local country regulation

The IoT Roaming Solution

Monetize and deliver reliable IoT in a worldwide scale
Wholesale Business Advisor for IoT Roaming

A leader in providing solutions to enable global IoT connectivity

The settlement of the “standard” roaming traffic is already quite complex, with the need for dedicated software solutions to forecast traffic, simulate tariffs, and track and reconcile discount deals agreed between partners. The addition of traffic segmentation and new charging models specific to IoT makes the use of specific roaming wholesale management solutions such as Mobileum’s Wholesale Business Advisor for IoT roaming inevitable. For instance, many NB-IoT devices will need to be low-cost to meet the needs of MNOs’ customers. One way to lower costs is to limit the number of spectrum bands that will be supported by a particular device. Therefore, roaming managers need to know and manage within a central repository which bands are in use to deploy NB-IoT by their roaming partners in territories where they intend to operate and tie it to a device type to manage partner contract's full lifecycle.

Mobileum’s Wholesale Business Advisor delivers unique tools for roaming teams to manage the most complex IoT deals and enables them to actively simulate and settle discount agreements while optimizing cost and revenue through an easy-to-use user interface. The solution is built around the Inter Operator Tariff (IOT) lifecycle, including forecasting, simulation, and dynamic reporting developed specifically for MIoT (Mobile IoT), Narrow-Band IoT (NB-IoT), together with LTE-M traffic roaming.

See how Mobileum can help protect & grow your business

Over 900 Telecom companies, in more than 180 countries, are scaling their business with Mobileum solutions.

How Mobileum can enable and monetize IoT roaming

GTP Traffic Router
GTP Traffic Router
Private APNs can give IoT solutions the opportunity to further tweak network parameters. Define static or dynamic IP address ranges for your IoT SIM Cards. Secure connections further while on roaming or enforcing authentication.
  • Isolate traffic and redirect traffic to private APNs 
  • Conform to security and IoT devices usage policies
  • GTP proxy with APN correction
  • Load-Balancing for Mobile IoT
Dynamic IoT Steering
Dynamic IoT Steering
When choosing an IoT provider your customers want to ensure that your solution is the best one for their business. Benefit from a range of IoT steering of roaming (SoR) options, each individually designed to meet their business-specific needs.
  •  Connect to multiple networks according to the use case 
  • Dynamically Steer to quality or price 
  • integration with IoT packet printing for device-based steering
  • Auto-tune real-time advanced steering
IoT Testing
IoT Testing
Mobileum offers advanced testing services to help MNOs meet regulatory, partner and customer network requirements, as well as quality, user experience and performance requirements to ensure devices and systems remain safe, secure and reliable to use.
  • IoT roaming service monitoring
  • Wholesale agrement testing
  • Testing according to industry requirements
  • Compatibility testing
  • Customer experience testing
Lifecycle of IoT roaming agreements

Manage the entire lifecycle of IoT roaming agreements

In IoT, the overall user experience must be monitored taking into account both quantitative and qualitative components. The ecosystem management aspects must embrace everything from provisioning and ordering, all the way up the stack to customer management. By gaining a complete view of IoT devices roaming on their networks, mobile operators can optimize their networks for M2M traffic, offer optimal Quality of Service, and ultimately monetize IoT better. An unreliable network also can mean data is slow to move between devices. Worse still, this slows down business operations. And at the very worst, old network components can fail completely, putting the network users at risk for IoT critical services.

Mobileum’s RCEM provides real-time data analytics for off-the-shelf roaming customer experience use cases, augmenting human intelligence over networks, operations, care, marketing, and sales teams. Its holistic approach and quality monitoring management system provide real-time insights into subscribers’ roaming behavior as well as into the overall quality of services provided by partner operators, thus allowing carriers to improve end-to-end experience for their roaming customers.
IoT Steering of Roaming

Assure continuous availability for the performance of IoT critical services

Roaming deals vary from operator to operator, and the pricing is done at the network level rather than at the country level. The lingering question remains how to connect to the best network according to specific contract requirements? Mobileum, the market leader for Steering of Roaming solutions, delivers management capabilities specifically designed for steering devices to IoT networks. Steering policies can be applied based on multiple criteria such as wholesale targets, quality of service, usage, deal conditions, and rates. Mobileum’s steering automatically adapts to optimize roaming decisions and meet wholesale volume commitments.

The intuitive steering of roaming engine is based on a configurable business logic combined with machine-learning algorithms that automatically evaluate received roaming events. The solution works in conjunction with Mobileum’s Roaming Wholesale Business Advisor (WBA) and Roaming Customer Experience Management solution (RCEM). With these solutions, operators are able to apply the most appropriate action based on network, experience, business model, and specific business restrictions such as limiting the number of countries where one operator can offer Narrowband services.
IoT testing

IoT testing for the best experience in roaming scenarios

More connected devices mean more potential for problems, and your customers will blame you for their frustrating roaming experience, whether plausible or not. It is important for the CSPs to have the ability to control and monitor the fulfillment of establised agreements, quality of experience and the capability to steer IoT devides according to steering policies. Our global connectivity testing platform, GlobalRoamer® covers 70+ locations and 130+ networks in 55+ countries, and offers the following:
  • Dedicated platform for IoT Global Connectivity testing
  • Subscribe, login & use
  • Pre-defined dashboards
  • Easy test configuration
  • Supports 2G, 3G, LTE, NB-IoT & LTE-M